For Pastors, Leaders, Non-Profits, & Organizations!

Fulfill your God-given potential of becoming a mentor

Make a greater difference in the lives of others through effective mentoring.

Get The Mentoring Mandate Course™ Now

Where are the mentors?

Some of the biggest challenges I see in mentoring are lack of motivation, lack of time and simply just not knowing how.

Everyone would agree that mentoring is a noble endeavor especially for the mentees, but why aren’t there more mentors? Perhaps the thought of “my life is too busy; I don’t have time”, or, “I don’t have the energy and I’ve never mentored anyone before” come to mind.

What if there were answers to help you overcome these thoughts?

Good news – there are!

Finally, there is a simple approach to transformative mentoring!

Re-define success in your life by helping another grow into their God – given potential. You can now increase your impact and influence through the lives of others.


The Mentoring Mandate Course™

The proven step-by-step blueprint to effective mentoring

Get the tools you need to help others win.

Get The Mentoring Mandate Course™ Now

Here is what's waiting for you when you enroll

The Mentoring Mandate Course™ is an online course that will help you make a greater difference in the lives of others through effective mentoring.

1. Mentoring Begins With You

Discover the core of what mentoring is and how you can personally develop.

2. You Are A Mentor

Learn what makes qualifies you to be a mentor and go deeper through a personal assessment.

3. The Relationship, Role, & Responsibilities Of A Mentor

Uncover the essentials that will help you to be an effective mentor.

4. The Steps To Mentoring

Discover the principles and process on how to move your mentee into growth and development.

5. Discovering Mentoring Opportunities

Locate the answers to “Who do I mentor”?

6. Models For Mentoring

Learn the power of investing into others and different models in which it can be done.

$899 Investment

The Mentoring Mandate Course™

Online Course

  • 6 Transformative Modules
  • Implementation Worksheets
  • Six-Months access
Get The Mentoring Mandate Course™

4 Simple Payments of $275

The Mentoring Mandate Course™

Online Course

  • 6 Transformative Modules
  • Implementation Worksheets
  • Six-Months access
Get The Mentoring Mandate Course™

Have a question you need answered before enrolling in The Mentoring Mandate Course™?

Here’s the truth…you, your organization and church are ready for The Mentoring Mandate Course™ right now! The time to help others in your family, job, community and church is now. There is no dollar amount that can be placed on the sense of purpose, confidence and relational skills you will possess by taking and applying this course to your life. Together, we can Help Others Win!